John Padgett the vice-chair of the State Board of Education is pushing for tougher grading rules which would ultimately label more schools as failing. Since this failing designation does not trigger more help or more resources it makes me wonder why.
The obvious reason is privatization. Padgett and his ilk would rather replace our public schools with charter schools and more schools that take vouchers and that should concern us all, greatly.
Schools that take money for vouchers are some of the least regulated schools in the nation. They don’t have to have certified teachers, recognized curriculums, have any reasonable education accountability measures and the vast majority do not even have to report how they money they take is spent.
Compared to charter schools however they are a success. Over three hundred charter schools have open taken public money and closed wasting tens of millions of dollars. The Stanford Credo says that as a group they don’t do as well as our public schools and most are run by for profit management companies who are more concerned with making money than educating our children.
But for some reason Padgett and much of Tallahassee think these are better options.
Then think about what having more failing schools will do to house values or the ability to attract new businesses. Somebody should be anyways as Tallassee in their zeal to privatize our schools obviously isn’t.
Shouldn’t we have people on the state board and in our legislature that want to improve our public schools instead of like Padgett who constantly want to injure them?
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