The district votes to ditch Ed White's disabled children

Many of the superintendent's proposed changes to bring students back to various neighborhood schools are actually going to drive students away.

Say you aren't interested in the arts but live in Fort Caroline's neighborhood, well now you have to find a new school just like the 500 non autistic kids at Oak Hill. More of a work with your hands type of kid? Then Wolfson just kicked you to the curb.

Nowhere is this more evident than at Ed White high school which they are transforming into a dedicated military magnet.

Some magnets aren't dedicated, that's to say you can still go to the school and not be in the magnet but not so at the new Ed White. If you want to attend there you have to be in the magnet. I personally think they are gong to have a hard time finding 1,500 kids who want to be in the program. Now I may be wrong about that, but what I am not wrong about is what is going to happen to the 120 intellectually disabled kids that currently go there. Nope they are being told they are no longer welcome and its even worse because the district has made no plans to send new disabled studnets elsewhere.

The intellectually disabled program, that has several business enterprises that give their kids real life skills is going to be phased out. You know because military magnets and disabled children don't mix.

The district is robbing the city's most vulnerable children of a valuable program.

Who speaks for them?

Finally before you shrug your shoulders and say, hey it's just a few kids, I hope it's not your child who is displaced the next time the super comes up with a hair braned scheme.


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